LEARNING CENTER - Building Teams. Developing Leaders.
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Building Trust
10 Questions for Leaders
   From High Performance Teamwork and Built on Trust training courses

1. Identify any currently unresolved pretended or "soft" commitments you have made.



2. Circle the most important one to study and resolve.

3. Why did you make this commitment? How have you justified it in your mind? Please be very thorough.



4. If you have more than one pretended commitment listed under question #1, are any of these justified in the same or similar manner? Which?



5. Regardless of the justifications under question #4, have negative consequences accrued around your circled example above? If so, what? Interpersonal consequences? Productivity consequences?



6. Are there actions on your part that might initiate resolution? If so, what?



7. If communication is part of your strategy under question #7, how would initiate communication? What words would you use?



8. List below any currently unresolved pretended commitments for which you will initiate resolution, and by when. Real commitments, please.



9. How are pretended commitments affecting your teams?



10. What might you do to build a culture based on 100% real commitment? How might you open communication on this subject, starting today?



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