high performance teamwork
This completely customizable course
details a company execution plan providing active practice of conflict
resolution and management tools. Major issues covered include effective
communication skills in teamwork; how does multicultural workforce effect
teamwork; establishing trust, commitment, accountability; achieving high
performance. Read more.
1 on 1
coaching Each day of our
lives consists of choosing directions. Some decisions have lasting impact. But
prolonged "diving board" hesitation, with all its stress, is an unnecessary
part of life. Truly satisfying choices are a product of understanding yourself
and liking what you see. Our 1 on 1 coaching course Turning Points: A Course
of Action provides thorough examination of your methods for the art of
problem solving while building conflict resolution and management tools. As a
result, you will experience a profound improvement in the quality of your life.
Read more.
built on trust:
strengthening leadership culture
Business intelligence is a process for
increasing competitive advantage by use of available data in decision making;
such as linking useful facts, filtering out irrelevant information, identifying
reasonable decisions or courses of action. Emotional intelligence involves a
trust cultureequally as important in
gaining competitive advantage. Learning Center's Built on Trust:
Strengthening Leadership Culture course begins with senior management and
results in increased accountability, cross-functional coordination, and
critical impact performance, beginning in the leadership team and extending
throughout the organization. Read more.
communications skills lab Participants learn effective communication skills in teamwork with
clarity, certainty and closure. They master the ability to communicate anything
to anyone, comfortably and positively; improving the art of execution in
business. Read more.
choice points
A course in enterprise risk management,
providing a systematized and practical approach to the science and art of sound
risk taking. Read more.
quality task force
leadership Are your meetings
full of dialog, but no resolution? Participants learn and practice the
strategic communications, facilitation, leadership and group process skills
that make meetings work effectively to achieve specific business results.
Read more. teams and change
A dialogue and investigation with peers
on managing change in the workplace and organizational behavior; managing
reaction to change; and culture change for customer satisfaction.
Read more.
training/train the trainer
We all face increasingly intense challenges of change in the early
21st century. Managing change advantages and disadvantages become
falling behind, or empowerment to new creativity. Our courses show how to meet
performance goals while building a trust in organization culture. With the
"Train the Trainer" package, your company can give its own high performance
teambuilding presentation. Read more.
optimizing change
strategies Participants
learn the impact of change on people, communications and trust; they learn to
manage structure and culture change resistance proactively to renew focus and
contribution through teamwork. Read more.
speaking Learning Center
provides dynamic, thought-provoking and actionable business keynotes on the
several topics. Read more.
For free consultation on your critical team/leader/performance
issues, or leadership training seminars in California or your own
state/country email
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